Archive for the ‘Toddler stuff’ Category

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 24th, 2006

The humans …

[Humans: Rick, Patty, and Cate]

… and the felines …

[Ash in a tree]
[Tom in a tree]

… here at the Shrimp and Grits blog would like to wish y’all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Three men and a baby

Wednesday, November 15th, 2006

Three men and a baby! (click to enlarge)

Catherine had lots of visitors yesterday. Here’s a picture of my father, me holding Catherine, and my grandfather.

Baby’s night out!

Thursday, November 9th, 2006

Cate went on her first road trip today (not counting a doctor’s office visit). Here ‘s me strapping Cate into the carseat.

[Going for a ride]
You can clearly see in this picture what being a new father is doing for my hair.

[Cate's expression]
Cate’s not too sure about this carseat thing.

Cate’s first trip was to Lowe’s, the home improvement store. (The garage door opener picked this week to burn itself out.) Now, how many baby girls out there can say that the first store they ever visited was Lowe’s?

Then, we went across town to Old Europe Mediterranean Grill (which I’ve blogged about before). Cate behaved very well – she slept almost the whole time we were in the restaurant, and didn’t make any noise when she was awake. No pictures of Cate at Old Europe on this trip, though. I forgot my camera.

It’s certainly true what they say about a ride in the car lulling babies to sleep. After a few minutes in the car, Cate slept like a b … well, she slept like something that sleeps more soundly than a baby. 🙂


Wednesday, November 1st, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Catherine gets her scare on! (Click to enlarge)

More pictures of our new family member

Thursday, October 26th, 2006

I’m going to continue a bit with my new-dad behavior and post a few more pictures of Catherine.

[Cate and Rick]
Proud dad moment: Catherine and Rick.

Catherine’s probably thinking “Hmm – did I inherit his hair or mom’s?”

[Cate, Patty, and Patty's dad]
Three generations: Catherine, Patty, and Patty’s dad.

I bet Catherine’s wondering when someone’s going to come by with lunch!

[Cate and her grandpas]
Proud grandpas: Catherine being held by Rick’s dad (top) and Patty’s dad (bottom).

You might notice that there’s a scrap of quilt showing in the top picture. That’s a signature quilt, signed by members of our families. Since Catherine can’t (yet) sign the quilt, we had to make do by letting her “sign” the quilt with her feet!

In the bottom picture, Catherine demonstrates the newborn baby’s “grab your finger and rip it off” reflex.

Edited to add:

Here are some pictures of the grandmothers with Catherine. I’d have added them earlier, but they were still on the camera!

[Three generations]
Three gernerations, part 2: Catherine with Patty’s mom and Patty.

[Catherine with Rick's mom]
Another new grandma: Catherine with Rick’s mom

A new addition!

Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

We have a new addition to the Shrimp and Grits family!

[Newbord Catherine Ella]

Meet Catherine, born at 3:09 PM on October 23, 2006.

She weighs in at 7 lb, 9 oz and is currently 20.5 inches long. And she has quite the set of lungs!

Edited to add: Want to see more? Take a look at even more pictures