What if they held an election and nobody cared?

South Carolina has just about finished up with the primaries on both sides, and on the Democratic side, Obama crushed Clinton. more than doubling her vote count.288,820 to 138,758 (with 98% reporting in).

About the only thing that surprises me about these results is the magnitude of Obama’s win.  This election wasn’t even close. According to CNN’s exit polls, lots of people liked Obama: men, women, young folks, black folks, churchgoers, the non-religious. Clinton did best among old people, and Edwards was a hit with white people over 30.

520,627+ came out to vote for one of the Democratic candidates.  That’s a pretty nice turnout for this red state.  Compare to the Republican numbers: 442,918 total votes. Obama alone got more voters to come out for him than both leading Republicans (McCain and Huckabee) put together.  That goes along with what I’ve been seeing in my community – which is both quite conservative and quite religious. People are excited about the Democratic candidates. The Republican field is simply uninspiring – even to a state as red as South Carolina.

3 Responses to “What if they held an election and nobody cared?”

  1. Adria says:

    Obama gave a great speech at Clemson on Friday which I know influenced many voters that were waivering between him and Clinton. Although he did talk a lot about hope and change, I didn’t hear the word ‘faith’ out of his mouth once. He seems very pro-science and pro-science education. He would have had my vote – if I had remembered to register.

  2. JB says:

    It’s just a shame it won’t matter in the November election, no matter how many times I vote. Can’t we please do away with the electoral college system? I want my vote to matter.

  3. eric says:

    the only thing about the excitement about democrats is that if hillary wins the republicans who don’t care about their candidates will come out in droves just to vote against her. or not. but that’s what it feels like to me here in greenville county, perhaps the most conservative hamlet in the nation.