A first!

Living where I do in South Carolina – between the suburbs and the sticks – I don’t get many political canvassers. The ones that do show up at my door are almost always from the more rabid side of the Republican party. Since I’m usually not home when they come by, I just get a packet of scary literature left at my door.

A little while ago, I had a visit from a canvasser that surprised me. He was representing a Democratic candidate. For president, even. This in spite of the fact that South Carolina going Democratic in 2008 is about as likely as a collision with a giant Earth-obliterating asteroid. Maybe I exaggerate, but I remember how … depressing the Democratic booth at the State Fair was during the last presidential election cycle.

So, what Democrat is getting the word out to the “sticks” here in South Carolina?

[Barack Obama!]


I like Obama. He realizes that the Iraq war was a bad idea, and he realizes that we’ve got a serious problem with our heathcare delivery system here in the USA. I don’t think he goes far enough to address our healthcare problems (his proposal isn’t a single-payer system and doesn’t get rid of bloodsucking for-profit insurance companies), but it’s a start. And a start is all we’re likely to be able to get in the short term.

[Faith, faith, faith!]

About the only thing that bothers me about Obama is, well, “faith, faith, faith“! I realize that here in the Deep South, politicians have to pander to the pious, but … sheesh! Look at the Obama events in the link above. How about a “environment forum” or a “healthcare forum” instead of an endless stream of “faith forum”s?

Unlike some voters, I’m not really interested in what god Obama worships – as long as he understands the concept of separation of church and state. I do care about the policies he plans to put into action if elected. More works, less faith, please!

One Response to “A first!”

  1. I’m a big Obama supporter but share your concern about the focus on faith. Religion as political strategy makes me queasy.