A new addition!

We have a new addition to the Shrimp and Grits family!

[Newbord Catherine Ella]

Meet Catherine, born at 3:09 PM on October 23, 2006.

She weighs in at 7 lb, 9 oz and is currently 20.5 inches long. And she has quite the set of lungs!

Edited to add: Want to see more? Take a look at even more pictures

12 Responses to “A new addition!”

  1. wb says:

    Congratulations, Rick! A beautiful baby. I hope she and her mother are doing well.

  2. Wow! That’s really awesome. Congratulations – and best wishes! That’s a really beautiful baby… I know y’all are about to bust – 🙂

    I’ll write later via email, but for now this will have to do.

    Later guys!

  3. Well…. there goes the neighborhood!

    Congratulations. Seriously. Hopefully we’ll all get a chance to see the little urchin soon!

  4. Kellie says:

    Yay!!! I’m so happy for you both! Congratulations! She’s such a cutie! I can’t wait to see more pictures!

    Are the cats confused yet?

    Enjoy her and take care of yourselves! (Get some rest when y’all can!!)

  5. Jen says:

    Hey Guys!
    Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Patty, Welcome to the new mommy club. If you need anything…even just to chat, give me a call.

    Talk to you soon!


  6. bigdumbchimp says:


    Future BBQ aficionado in the making.


  7. eric says:

    congratulations, man.

    that little hoodie reminds me of when my little guys were newborns.


  8. Rick says:

    Thanks to all of y’all for stopping by.

    BDC: The big question is this – which barbecue formula should we start her on: vinegar-based or mustard-based?

    eric: The hospital apparently has a policy that all newborns must get hat hair as soon as possible!

    Kellie: They’re curious until she cries. Then they head for the hills!

  9. Well being that we are in SC I’ll have to go Mustard (although you know I prefer the vinegar).

  10. Renee says:

    She is so pretty. Congrats to both of you!

  11. Karen says:

    Perfectly beautiful and how smart of her to arrive on National Mole Day!

  12. Richard and Kathy says:

    Such a cutie! Yep…sweet mustard definately. 🙂