Cat hangover

Now I know why the cats sleep all morning long. They party all night!

[Drunken Ash]
Ash: How much did I have to drink last night???

3 Responses to “Cat hangover”

  1. Marcia Drago says:

    May I ask what kind of camera you are using? And how you manage to avoid the cat’s tapetum shining? Every time I try it I have a “devil” cat with either neon green or ruby red lights shining out of his/her eyes.
    Is it a digital camera?
    You take excellent photos.

  2. Rick says:

    Thank you for visiting!

    Most of the earlier pictures on the site were taken with a Canon PowerShot A85 digital camera (4 megapixel). Quite a few of the earlier cat pictures were done by turning the flash off and lengthening the exposure time – which works well if the cat’s not in motion and you have either a steady object or a tripod to hold the camera. My Canon, with the flash on, often gives me “devil cat” pictures – unfortunately.

    A few weeks ago, I bought a CASIO EX-S500 (5 megapixel). It’s a tiny camera, more suited to carry around in a pocket than the relatively bulky Canon A85. Target was blowing them out for $130 or so, and I couldn’t resist the camera’s form factor and price. It takes excellent cat pictures – even with the flash on. The picture above was taken with the CASIO.

  3. leo says:

    I dont know but why i don find such informative and profitable blogs so often,I suspect blogging world is becoming so small that we cant find such lucrative blogs like this one.