Just say no to crack.

July 11th, 2008

The big news on the Internet this week seems to be the War on Crack that’s currently going on in Flint, Michigan.

No, not that kind of crack.  This kind of crack:


From the linked article:

Flint residents now have to watch their butts because Police Chief David Dicks is on the lookout.

Dicks, who took over the department last month on an interim basis, announced that his officers would start arresting people wearing saggy pants that expose skivvies, boxer shorts or bare bottoms.

Absurdly high crime rates can make people do strange things, but is harassing teens who haven’t yet learned how to pull up their pants going to solve Flint’s problems?

More Cate

July 8th, 2008

Friends and family members – if you’re looking for a few more recent pictures of Cate, my friends Richard and Kathy have posted a bunch of new pictures of Cate playing with their daughter Mya.

[Cate and Mya, from Richard and Kathy]

A fitting tribute

July 8th, 2008

California sounds like a fun place.

The Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco wants to rename the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant the George W. Bush Sewage Plant. Supporters are hoping to put the issue on the November ballot.

That sounds about right.  And if the sewage plant idea doesn’t work out, there’s always the local landfill!

Shady stool

July 3rd, 2008

Here’s a plastic step-stool that Cate uses.

[Yellow stool]

Other than the obscenely cute artwork on the top, what’s wrong with this stool?  Take a closer look at the label.

[Yellow stool\'s label]

“Far East Brokers and Cons“?  What a rip off!

It’s a start

June 21st, 2008

Until now, I’ve not blogged about John Freshwater.  He’s the Ohio fundamentalist who’s been busted for forcing his religion onto students in his public school classroom.

But as someone who teaches, I have to say something.  I teach adults (usually) instead of children, but I often teach in a laboratory environment.  My top priority in a lab situation is to keep my students safe.  I don’t want my students burning themselves, spilling chemicals on themselves, cutting themselves with broken glassware, or accidentally stumbling onto any of the other ways to get hurt in the chemistry lab.  I want them to learn something and to have fun, but I want them leaving in at least as good a condition as they were in when they arrived.

With that in mind, I just read that the Mount Vernon school board has planned to fire John Freshwater.  Good.  It’s a start.  He has no business in a classroom.

And, though I admit that I have little patience with fundamentalist loons like Freshwater, I don’t think his religion is his real problem.  Sure, he should be fired for pushing his religion in science class.  You’re not allowed to do that on the taxpayer’s dime.  But let’s remember what else went on:

Freshwater burned crosses onto the arms of some of his students and told them that gays are sinners, the school board said in a resolution the five members passed unanimously yesterday after meeting privately to discuss the results of an investigation.

Firing him is letting him off too easy.  This clown is supposed to be a science teacher – someone who inspires his young students with a love of science while ensuring they stay safe – and he’s deliberately injuring them?  He should be prosecuted and jailed if found guilty.  After being fired, of course …

Friday Cate: The Blonde Tornado

June 20th, 2008

I’ve been asked a few times to post a recent picture of Cate. So, here it is!
[Blonde Tornado]

As you can see, she’s a little blonde tornado, cutting a wide path of destruction through the house!

If you’re disappointed with the quality of the picture above, don’t worry.  Using an advanced high-speed camera, Patty was able to obtain a nice picture of Cate helping to wash the car.

[Cate washing the car: 600x800 JPG]

Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles …

Friday Cat: Priority mail

June 20th, 2008

This week, Rusty enjoys a flat-rate Priority Mail box.

[Rusty in a Priority Mail box: 800x600 JPG]

“You mean that even if I mail myself, it’s the same flat rate?  Great! Tape this box shut and mail me to a seafood restaurant!”

Find more animal friends over at The Friday Ark!

This one’s seen better days

June 18th, 2008

As we were driving towards Lumberton on I-95 yesterday, we got caught in a bunch of stopped traffic.  Surprisingly, this is not what stopped the traffic**.

[I-95 Crash outside of Lumberton - 6/17/08]

I hope everyone involved was okay.  It doesn’t look like the vehicle fared very well.

**Road construction several miles ahead was clogging up I-95. I’m still not sure what caused this accident in the first place!

Friday the 13th

June 13th, 2008

Rev. BigDumbChimp points out a little trivia about Friday the 13th:

There is an estimated $800 to $900 million lost on Friday the 13th due to people not flying, not going to work and not doing business as they normally do.

I’m sitting in class right now, watching my freshman chemistry students take their fourth exam.  Most of them are here today, so I suppose Friday the 13th hasn’t taken a huge toll on the test.

It simply hadn’t occurred to me that people might want to skip out on the test because it was Friday the 13th.  Friday itself is reason enough for some students to skip class!

But if any of my students are reading this … I wouldn’t advise skipping the Friday tests – whether or not it’s Friday the 13th.  The final exam will count in the place of the missed test, and taking that risk just to get yourself a long weekend is a lot like inviting this guy over for a hockey game.

Think you’ve seen high gas prices?

June 13th, 2008

Think you’ve seen high gas prices?  Have a look at this gas station!

[$8.88 gas!]

While it’s true that this station was probably just having some sign trouble, how long will it be before those prices are accurate?