WBTW’s creation-evolution poll

I forgot to mention yesterday that the local news outlet, WBTW 13 has a poll up asking what should be taught in South Carolina schools.

I don’t much care for the phrasing of the question:

Which origin of the species theory should be taught?
* Creationism
* Evolution
* Intelligent Desgn
* All three

As far as I know, out of that list only evolution fits the scientific definition of the word theory – an explanation of a series of observations backed up by extensive experimental data. The results as of now aren’t as encouraging as the comments from Horry county were – 36% want straight creationism, 25% want straight evolution, 3% want straight Intelligent Design, and 35% want all three.

Since creationism and intelligent design are the same thing (intelligent design just leaves out the “god” language), call it 39% creationism, 25% evolution, and 35% who want both. They must’ve lost 1% to rounding. Not very encouraging except on one point – nobody seems to want the intelligent design version of creationism.

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