Stuck in the Dark Ages

A local news outlet has a brief mention of a Socastee, South Carolina school that is apparently stuck in the Dark Ages – Calvary Christian School:

“We want them to have a balanced education so we teach what evolution is we don’t go into a lot of detail with evolution because we don’t think it’s true,” says administrator John Gregory.

Since they’re a private school and to my knowledge we don’t have any of that voucher garbage in this state yet, I don’t really have much to say about what they teach. Just this: their graduates should be forced to take remedial biology before entering college-level courses that require high-school biology. I’d consider the rest of their science education to be suspect as well.

The news article, unfortunately, messes up the definition of theory:

[At Calvary Christian School] Evolution is taught as a theory but creationism is considered fact.

Most scientists would not have a problem with evolutionary theory being taught, but I don’t think the writer of the article understands the words she’s trying to use. I prescribe a basic science class.

Unfortunately, schools around here seem to just dance around the science:

Horry County public schools teach evolution, but teachers focus on animals and don’t specifically address how people evolved.

… but if students are taught how everything else on the planet evolves, how can they not take the next step?

On the positive side, though:

Horry County schools spokesman Teal Britton tells News13 that so far, no parents asked school officials to incorporate intelligent design into the curriculum.

At least folks at the beach are apparently not clamoring to have nonsense smuggled into their science classes! Bravo!

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