Archive for January 14th, 2009

No room at the inn

Wednesday, January 14th, 2009

This blog has been quiet recently.  That’s due to the fact that a new semester has started. New semesters mean getting swamped – not only by preparation for the semester’s classes and labs, but also by the onslaught of new students who have only just decided that they need to come to school.

Lots of them.

The president of the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education said “enrollment is booming” at the state’s 16 technical colleges – up to 20 percent – as laid off workers seek training for a new job.

That’s something the legislature should consider when deciding how much to slice off of the technical college budget during this legislative session.  Tech schools are retraining the state’s workforce – and they need money to do it.  Withiout adequate funding, students will come … but there will be no room at the inn.