Archive for December 4th, 2008

Death and taxes

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

South Carolina has some rather … strange … priorities.  We’re in the middle of a crisis in the state budget, and faced with cutting vital services that might help South Carolinians survive this recession.  A big part of our problem is that we don’t have enough tax revenue to keep our necessary services up and running.

And then there’s this

Business was — you might say — booming this past weekend, as the state’s first sales tax-free weekend attracted throngs to gun shops.

A tax-free holiday for guns?  In this budget climate we really shouldn’t be having gimmicky “tax-free holidays” on anything.  if you wonder how we in South Carolina got into this mess we’re in, here’s yet another example.

Or is the tax-free holiday on guns our legislature’s response to this?

South Carolina has the highest violent crime rate in the nation - again!

South Carolina has the highest violent crime rate in the nation - again! (from America's Health Rankings 2008)

I guess it’s cheaper than funding the police and the prison system …

Hat tip to Snead – even if he does cheer for the wrong college football team.