Archive for November 3rd, 2008

Go vote!

Monday, November 3rd, 2008

Tomorrow is election day.  Whether you’re a progressive or a conservative, you should go over to your local polling place tomorrow and vote.  It’s important, even if it means you have to go out in the rain.

That said, this is a progressive blog – and we here at Shrimp and Grits would prefer that y’all vote for progressive candidates.  Candidates that support real heath care reform.  Candidates that support (and do not mock in national debates) proper funding for science education – and education in general.  I could go on, of course, but I’m on a short break while waiting for my lab to start.

Sadly, your vote (and mine) for the more progressive Presidential candidate won’t mean much here in South Carolina.  Our electoral votes will almost certainly go to McCain instead of Obama.  But there is a better reason to vote, and it has to do with this mailer I reveived the other day from the (of all people) Republicans in the State House.

'The Scoreboard"

The Scoreboard

Here’s where your vote actually will count for something.  Tired of failed Republican governance and busted budgets?  Then you might want to consider that “scoreboard”