Archive for October 11th, 2008

What’s the problem?

Saturday, October 11th, 2008

Here’s a big reason I have trouble voting for Republicans.

"Government isn't the answer.  Government is the problem.  it's time to empower workers and businesses, get government out of the way, and create jobs.  That's my top priority."

Government isn't the answer. Government is the problem. It's time to empower workers and businesses, get government out of the way, and create jobs. That's my top priority.

This quote was on a mailer from the local Republican representative.  For all I know, Phillip is probably a nice guy.  The quote is typical Republican boilerplate – certainly not something he came up with on his own.  But the attitude in the quote is what has gotten the state – and the nation – into the fix it’s in.  If you elect people who sincerely believe that government can’t work, you will most certainly get a government that doesn’t work.