Archive for August, 2008

Beach trip!

Wednesday, August 6th, 2008

We’re at the beach again.  Even with the near-record heat, there are still an awful lot of people down here.

North Myrtle Beach, 08/06/08

North Myrtle Beach, 08/06/08

The crowds are nothing compared to the crowds on the Fourth of July, but the traffic is still horrible.  Perhaps we can ask the Germans for ideas on how to improve transit around Myrtle Beach?

We can rebuild him

Friday, August 1st, 2008

When I was a kid, we had shows like The Six Million Dollar Man, where downed pilots were rebuilt into supermen with bionic parts – complete with sound effects!

But in the twenty-first century, it might be that we won’t need mechanical limbs to create supermen.  Perhaps all we need is a little chemistry.

The researchers found that another compound, 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-?-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR), boosts endurance even in mice that are not put on an exercise regimen. AICAR activates muscle genes that are normally turned on by exercise.

Now that’s an interesting way to make a super mouse.  Make mouse muscles think they have been exercising and respond accordingly.  No actual exercise required.

Recognizing that athletes might abuse these drugs, the team is developing a mass spectrometry technique to detect the compounds and their metabolic by-products in blood and urine.

Athletes?  If this stuff

  1. works in humans
  2. doesn’t cause extremely nasty side effects
  3. can be gotten into the body without too much pain

… I’d expect it to be part of everyday life in the not-too-distant future.

Sure, athletes would use it.  But so would everyone else.  Imagine a Red Bull that actually did give you wings.

And in other news …

Friday, August 1st, 2008

The New York Times talks a bit about a new study of college-bound youth:

The researchers found that college-bound youth were less likely to be involved in criminal activity and substance use during adolescence than kids who weren’t headed for college.

But college attendance triggered some surprising changes. When male students enrolled in four-year universities, levels of drinking, property theft and unstructured socializing with friends increased and surpassed rates for their less-educated male peers.

I have to question the use of that word “surprising”.  Is there anyone out there who finds this even remotely surprising?

At least we now have hard data showing that college kids drink and waste time hanging out with friends.  This will, of course, be useful when explaining why these same students aren’t passing. 🙂