Archive for August 21st, 2008

New poll tells us … the obvious

Thursday, August 21st, 2008

Courtesy of The State, here’s a poll whose results will surprise no one:

Likely voters in the Deep South — those in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and South Carolina — preferred McCain by a 25-point margin, 56 percent to 31 percent.

I wonder why that is?

Likely Mississippi Voter

Likely Mississippi Voter

Maybe voters in the Deep South are informed about McCain’s stands on the issues and prefer them to Obama’s?

“Illegal immigration needs to be controlled,” said 76-year-old Evelyn Perry of Fort Mill, who was among those surveyed. “I just haven’t really understood what (McCain’s position) is on that — but it needs to be controlled.”

Even without those specifics, Perry said she trusts McCain more. “Overall, I just think McCain understands better.”

Or … maybe not.  But I can sympathize with Ms. Perry just a bit.  John McCain himself hasn’t figured out what his immigration position is.

Many mansions

Thursday, August 21st, 2008

Notverybright wants to know how many houses John McCain owns.  John McCain wants to know how many houses he owns, too. Obama knows, and here’s the answer:

Seven.  Or at least, that’s what we thinkThis house-owning stuff is hard.