Archive for July 15th, 2008

WordPress 2.6

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

Hey!  WordPress 2.6 is out.  This release is supposed to be easy to install, but I hear that you could cause a star to explode or something if you do it wrong.  Like that’s going to happen…

Supernova 1987a, from Astrononmy Picture of the Day

Supernova 1987a, from Astronomy Picture of the Day

Oh no … what did I do?

Obama and what could have been

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

I, of course, almost never get to watch these things live, but Obama’s latest speech is … really good.  The whole thing is worth a read or a listen, but I thought I’d point out a few lines.

But the depth of [the 9/11] tragedy also drew out the decency and determination of our nation. At blood banks and vigils; in schools and in the United States Congress, Americans were united – more united, even, than we were at the dawn of the Cold War. The world, too, was united against the perpetrators of this evil act, as old allies, new friends, and even long-time adversaries stood by our side. It was time – once again – for America’s might and moral suasion to be harnessed; it was time to once again shape a new security strategy for an ever-changing world.

Imagine, for a moment, what we could have done in those days, and months, and years after 9/11.

  • We could have deployed the full force of American power to hunt down and destroy Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda, the Taliban, and all of the terrorists responsible for 9/11, while supporting real security in Afghanistan.
  • We could have secured loose nuclear materials around the world, and updated a 20th century non-proliferation framework to meet the challenges of the 21st.
  • We could have invested hundreds of billions of dollars in alternative sources of energy to grow our economy, save our planet, and end the tyranny of oil.
  • We could have strengthened old alliances, formed new partnerships, and renewed international institutions to advance peace and prosperity.
  • We could have called on a new generation to step into the strong currents of history, and to serve their country as troops and teachers, Peace Corps volunteers and police officers.
  • We could have secured our homeland–investing in sophisticated new protection for our ports, our trains and our power plants.
  • We could have rebuilt our roads and bridges, laid down new rail and broadband and electricity systems, and made college affordable for every American to strengthen our ability to compete.

We could have done that.

Instead, we have lost thousands of American lives, spent nearly a trillion dollars, alienated allies and neglected emerging threats – all in the cause of fighting a war for well over five years in a country that had absolutely nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks.

It’s long … but it summarizes quite well what a lot of us were thinking when the war with Iraq started.