Archive for May 21st, 2008

Traveling companions

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

There’s some discussion on the net about whether Barack Obama’s defeat in Kenturcky really means a whole lot.  Clinton supporters, obviously, think it means something.  But Clinton’s Kentucky win was so lopsided because of one issue:  race.

Obama’s problem was with these white voters overall. His greatest losses among whites, by 40 points or more, all have been in Southern states – Arkansas, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and West Virginia. Reflecting their discomfort with Obama, nearly half of Kentucky Democrats said they would not support him in a November election against John McCain, again similar to the result in West Virginia.

Look at Kentucky.  This is a state whose Democrats won’t back their own party’s candidate because he’s a black man.  So Obama will lose big in Kentucky in a matchup against John McCain.  But Hillary Clinton won’t win there either.  Why not?  Racism and sexism are often traveling companions.

[Mississippi truck]

Naked women and the Confederate flag.  Yee haw!  This kind of voter will just as easily turn out against Clinton as against Obama when the opponent is a white guy.