Archive for May, 2008


Friday, May 30th, 2008

Occasionally, the current administration releases some potentially useful information … when forced.

The Bush administration, bowing to a court order, has released a fresh summary of federal and independent research pointing to large, and mainly harmful, impact of human-caused global warming in the United States.

So, why wouldn’t Bush release this report earlier?  I suppose he didn’t like the conclusions.  The summary, which you can grab here, describes what’s likely to be in store for us in the future:  We can expect more heat – more than the global average – with more and longer heat waves and excessively hot days.  We’ll see more intense summer droughts.  We will experience more intense “extreme weather” – hurricanes, tornadoes, and the like.  We can expect more illness and death from heat-loving pathogens, and so on.  It’s not a very pleasant forecast.

I wasn’t terribly enthusiastic about John Kerry’s presidential campaign a few years ago, but he’s exactly right:

“The three-year delay of this report is sadly fitting for an administration that has wasted seven years denying the real threat of global climate change,” Mr. Kerry said in a statement. “In these lost years, we could have slowed global warming and advanced clean energy solutions, but instead America’s climate change strategy has been at best rhetorical, not real.”

This explains a lot about the last few years.  This administration’s response to any crisis has been to simply deny that a crisis exists.  And that’s never a good long-term strategy.

Summer work …

Friday, May 30th, 2008

Posting’s been rather light here recently, and that’s because I have been busy with five week summer classes.  We cram a full semester’s worth of freshman chemistry into five weeks.

But if I wanted to pick up a little extra money this summer, I could apply for some extra work over in the business office.  Here’s a job posting I saw this morning:

[Job opening!  Competitive salary!]

If I work all summer, I might just be able to buy a burrito at Taco Bell!

Traveling companions

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

There’s some discussion on the net about whether Barack Obama’s defeat in Kenturcky really means a whole lot.  Clinton supporters, obviously, think it means something.  But Clinton’s Kentucky win was so lopsided because of one issue:  race.

Obama’s problem was with these white voters overall. His greatest losses among whites, by 40 points or more, all have been in Southern states – Arkansas, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and West Virginia. Reflecting their discomfort with Obama, nearly half of Kentucky Democrats said they would not support him in a November election against John McCain, again similar to the result in West Virginia.

Look at Kentucky.  This is a state whose Democrats won’t back their own party’s candidate because he’s a black man.  So Obama will lose big in Kentucky in a matchup against John McCain.  But Hillary Clinton won’t win there either.  Why not?  Racism and sexism are often traveling companions.

[Mississippi truck]

Naked women and the Confederate flag.  Yee haw!  This kind of voter will just as easily turn out against Clinton as against Obama when the opponent is a white guy.

Dumbest thing I’ve read this week

Sunday, May 18th, 2008

I didn’t see this commentary at first because, well, I don’t make it a point to pay a lot of attemtion to CNN gasbag Glenn Beck. But sometimes, you’ve got to call out stupidity when you see it:

The Gates Foundation is working to cure malaria, develop new tuberculosis vaccines, and stop the spread of AIDS. Most of our colleges and universities are only working to spread the radical political views of some of their professors.

Really, Glenn? You think that’s all that our colleges are doing? Laughable.

It’s true that some colleges have different missions. Research universities focus a lot of their resources on … research. (Where does Glenn think that lots of this AIDS research is done, anyway?) Two-year colleges focus more on job-related education, etc. But colleges that exist “only to spread the radical political views of some of their professors”? I can’t say that I’ve run into too many of those.

Gone to the dogs

Friday, May 16th, 2008

Here are Rusty and Ash enjoying their new beds.  Just don’t tell them that the beds are actually supposed to be for dogs!

[Rusty and Ash in the dog beds]

Uh oh … it looks like Ash might have heard me!

[Ash - This is a DOG bed?]

What?  This is a dog bed?

As always, visit The Friday Ark to see more animal friends!


Monday, May 5th, 2008

I’ve just sent off all the final grades for the spring semester, and suddenly I no longer have giant stacks of papers to slog through. It makes me feel a little … well … dazed.


Of course, I can’t get too used to the lack of grading.  Summer semester is just around the corner!