Archive for February 22nd, 2008

The TVisto 3500 SATA Multimedia Hard Drive Enclosure

Friday, February 22nd, 2008

A few posts ago, I described my experience in trying to use my XBOX 360 as an mp3 player for my home theater system. Unfortunately, the 360 is crippled. You can’t copy your music from your computer to the internal hard drive.

Enter the “multimedia hard drive enclosure”, a class of small devices that promise to play all your music, movies, and pictures from a small quiet device that plugs right into your stereo. That sounded like just what I needed!


I found a good price on a TVisto 3500-SATA, a small device that’s barely bigger than the 3.5″ hard drive that it encloses. Along with the TVisto, I picked up an inexpensive 500GB SATA drive to store my stuff. So how well does it work? Read on
to find out.
