Archive for January 14th, 2008

A curious admission

Monday, January 14th, 2008

It’s a week old, but The State has an article up about what South Carolina’s GOP voters are most worried about in this election cycle. Apparently, the big issue is illegal immigration.

Polls have shown immigration is more important to Republican voters in South Carolina than it is to Democrats. In fact, S.C. GOP backers have made immigration their top issue in choosing a president.

What do South Carolina Republicans have to say about the issue?

“This is the new Confederate flag issue in South Carolina on the Republican side,” said Neal Thigpen, a political science professor at Francis Marion University and a Republican.

The new Confederate flag issue? Oh, dear.
By rallying their voters around immigration, it’s as if the Republicans are admitting that they’ve got nothing worthwhile to offer on health care, or the war in Iraq, or education, or the economy, or … you name it. Instead, they’ll bravely protect us from Dora and Diego.

The fast growth is something South Carolinians notice in their daily activities whether they see Hispanics at the grocery store or working on a neighbor’s roof, Thigpen said. They begin to wonder if another ethnic group is taking over.

Wow. Just … wow.