Archive for December 10th, 2007

What’s wrong?

Monday, December 10th, 2007

What’s wrong with education in South Carolina? This article in The State sheds a little light on the subject:

A woman who teaches her children at home could be nominated to lead the state Education Board.

Kristin Maguire of Clemson said she has several commitments from other board members.

While the article makes it clear that it’s not likely that Maguire will actually be elected chair, you might be wondering:

  1. Why would you want to make someone who’s given up on South Carolina schools to head a board that’s supposed to oversee those schools?
  2. Who put such a person on this board in the first place?

I don’t have an answer for #1. It seems like sheer lunacy to me.

As for #2, Maguire is a gift to the educators of South Carolina from…

Maguire is Gov. Mark Sanford’s representative on the board and her term expires in December 2008.

… our governor – who’s not exactly what you’d call a friend of education.

So who’s Maguire? She’s involved with SC PIE, which I’ve mentioned on this blog before. In short, they’re a group that pushes for abstinence-only sex ed, creationism in the classroom, and vouchers. Such people should never be allowed anywhere near the management offices of a public education system.