When you work a community college schedule, you take lunch whenever you can get it. On Wednesdays, that’s about 1:30 PM. It’s not too late – considering that I have had schedules where I don’t get to eat lunch at all – but it did put me outside in the suffocating heat of the early afternoon.
Today, I’m at the Subway in the local truck stop. I’ve just finished my sandwich, and am walking out to my car. I see something at the corner of the building. Something that looked a little like this:
Dust devil image from Wikipedia
I didn’t take the picture above, but it’s a fair sample of what was churning at the corner of the building as I started to walk out to the car.
It didn’t register immediately that I was standing about ten yards away from a dust devil, and that it might be a good idea to stand somewhere else. A dust devil is just not something you expect to run into at a truck stop on the outskirts of a city.
That, of course, did not matter much to the dust devil – which was heading my way. And so I am currently brushing sand off my drink and out of my hair, my clothes, my eyes …
Great start to the afternoon, don’t you think?