
Almost everyone is familiar with peanut butter and roasted peanuts. But if you come down to the Deep South, you’ll find that we have some odd ways of preparing those delicious legumes.

Even I’m not certain what these are…

[Boilod peanuts]

How, exactly, does one boilo a peanut?

Yankee readers of this blog are free to start cringing at the thought of what boiling a peanut would do to it. But y’all don’t know what you’re missing!

2 Responses to “P-Nuts!”

  1. Even as a transplant to the South, I have grown to have a fanatical love of the boiled peanut. In North Florida on roadside stands along US 301 between Gainesville and Jacksonville, I have seen these spellings:

    bold peanuts
    boildid peanuts
    bald peanuts
    boll peanuts

    And, at a closed stand, “Gone Home, I’m Tard.”

  2. Rick says:

    “Bald” peanuts show up around South Carolina if you go a little off of the beaten path, as do “ball” peanuts and “boil” peanuts. Of course, when I’m in these areas I never seem to have my camera.

    The sign above is from the local farmer’s market – and has been there for a number of years. I’ve never asked the stand owner what the heck a “boilod” peanut is, since I’m usually too busy buying some of his local tomatoes.