Archive for July 12th, 2007

Do unto others

Thursday, July 12th, 2007

A little bit of history was made today. For the first time, a Hindu gave the daily prayer that started a day of work for the US Senate.

Unfortunately, it did not sit well with some representatives of our majority religion.

two women and one man were arrested and charged with causing a disruption in the public gallery of the Senate. The three started shouting when guest Chaplain Rajan Zed, a Hindu from Nevada, began his prayer […] They shouted “No Lord but Jesus Christ” and “There’s only one true God,” and used the term “abomination.”

The next time you hear a fundamentalist Christian complain that he’s being oppressed and persecuted because of his faith, remind him of this incident and let him know who the oppressors really are – people like him.

Moderate Christians would do well to denounce these hecklers – loudly and publicly. After all, if America allow Hindus to be persecuted today, who’s to say that it won’t persecute Christians in the future?