Longtime readers of this little blog are probably aware that I don’t really have a lot of respect for South Carolina’s current governor – given what he’s tried to do to public education in this state. I felt that he won the last election “by default” – simply because it seems impossible to elect anyone with a (D) behind their name to a statewide office.****
Sanford might have been helped by the Democratic choice of candidate. They chose longtime state senator Tommy Moore to oppose Sanford in the last election. I never thought Moore was a particularly exciting or memorable candidate, but I think that I might have something to remember him by now. He’s resigning from the state legislature to take a new job. Here’s a statement from Moore, as reported by The State [Link may be busted soon – this seems to happen a lot with links to The State]:
“At this point in my career, I saw an exciting opportunity to take on a new challenge that builds on my long history of supporting and protecting consumers,”[emphasis mine]
At this point, you might be thinking “So what? People take new jobs all the time!”