Friday cat: Department of Home Security

The neighbors have gotten a new puppy. As a result, their cat Patches has been spending a lot more time in our yard. To protect against this threat, our cats have created the Department of Home Security. Its members are on tireless watch to prevent foreign felines from entering the territory of the United Cats of Shrimp and Grits:

[Tom and Ash protect the homeland]
DHS Agent Tom and DHS Agent Ash protect the homeland!

Since the Department of Home Security was founded, not a single foreign cat has wreaked havoc inside the house. Now if only something could be done about the havoc that the Department wreaks on its own…

Be sure to visit this week’s Friday Ark for more animal guardians!

One Response to “Friday cat: Department of Home Security”

  1. Kellie says:

    Patches looks like he’s been eating all the squirrels in the neighborhood!