Archive for March 29th, 2007

Blue side: Democratic candidates on health care

Thursday, March 29th, 2007

Talking Points Memo’s Election Central has some information on the Democratic candidates views on fixing our broken health care system.

For Clinton, Obama, and Edwards – things appear about the same as I said in my last post on this topic. The Election Central post, though, mentions a few other Democratic hopefuls:

Bill Richardson
He wants to use some of the money we’ve been throwing into Iraq to help fund universal health care, and wants to help people buy insurance using tax credits. That last sounds too Bushy for me. Given what insurance costs, a tax credit for a middle or lower income person just isn’t going to help uch.

Dennis Kucinich
He wants a single-payer system: “Medicare for all”.

I like this quote:

Health care is a right, not a privilege.

Sounds about right to me.