Well, it looks like the ACLU is at it again.CNN has an article about a New Jersey school district that’s being sued over having their graduation ceremony in a Baptist church.
“Schools should not sponsor activities that exclude some students from participation on the basis of religious belief,” said ACLU-NJ’s legal director, Ed Barocas, […]
It must be those pesky atheists again! After all, isn’t that all the ACLU is supposed to do – provide cover for militant atheists who want to remove all traces of religion from public view? After all, who but a godless heathen couldn’t allow themselves to go into a Baptist church to get their high school diploma?
The New Jersey ACLU said Wednesday that it was suing the school district because its decision to hold graduation in the church prevented West Side High School senior Bilal Shareef, a Muslim, from attending. Shareef’s religious beliefs forbid him from entering a building with religious images, the civil liberties group said.
Surprise, surprise! It looks like the wronged party in this case isn’t godless after all.
I can’t wait to see what the fundamentalist spin on this story’s going to be …