Via Kevin Drum, I see that the BBC World Service has a poll on the opinion of people on various countries in the world. America’s not doing so well.
I guess that’s not surprising, considering this country’s rather cavalier attitude towards starting wars. What surprised me a bit was the attitude displayed by Americans. 28% of Americans think that this country has an overall negative influence on the world, while 57% of Americans think our influence is overall positive.
Not so bad? The percentage of Americans who think our influence is positive was 71% just two years ago. That’s some food for thought for our elected officials. Their policies are not only pissing off the world, they’re even pissing off America.
Having said that, there’s at least one notable country that loves America – even more than Americans do: Nigeria. 72% of Nigerians have a positive view of America. I bet it’s because they love our Western Union money transfers!