I’m going to continue a bit with my new-dad behavior and post a few more pictures of Catherine.
Proud dad moment: Catherine and Rick.
Catherine’s probably thinking “Hmm – did I inherit his hair or mom’s?”
Three generations: Catherine, Patty, and Patty’s dad.
I bet Catherine’s wondering when someone’s going to come by with lunch!
Proud grandpas: Catherine being held by Rick’s dad (top) and Patty’s dad (bottom).
You might notice that there’s a scrap of quilt showing in the top picture. That’s a signature quilt, signed by members of our families. Since Catherine can’t (yet) sign the quilt, we had to make do by letting her “sign” the quilt with her feet!
In the bottom picture, Catherine demonstrates the newborn baby’s “grab your finger and rip it off” reflex.
Edited to add:
Here are some pictures of the grandmothers with Catherine. I’d have added them earlier, but they were still on the camera!
Three gernerations, part 2: Catherine with Patty’s mom and Patty.
Another new grandma: Catherine with Rick’s mom