Archive for August 23rd, 2006

Treated as adults

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006

Not Very Bright has a post up on the micro-scandal at Clemson over Ann Patchett’s book Truth & Beauty. Go forth and read it. 🙂

But I’m going to make a few hurried comments. Here’s a statement from Ken Wingate – in a letter to Clemson’s president.

As a Clemson alumnus, a Clemson parent, and a member of the Commission on Higher Education, I suggest that you pull the plug on the author’s lecture and offer an alternative book for the freshmen.

As a Clemson alumnus myself, I’m embarassed to read that letter. Clemson is a place of many viewpoints. Is Ann Patchett such a dangerous person that the freshmen (nearly all of whom are legal adults) will be damaged merely by her speech?

Or her book?

I think the perfect response to that is from Ann Patchett (emphasis mine).

The chance to receive higher education is a privilege, and Clemson students should be proud they attend a school where they are treated as adults, she said.

Amen. And … Go Tigers!