A fundamentalist goes to the movies

Kellie sent me a link to this site, which features movie reviews from the fndamentalist Christian perspective. This certainly isn’t the only site like this on the net, but it’s good for some amusement value.

Let’s look at those reviews!

Here’s Jurassic Park, which the reviewer finds Very Offensive:

[…] perverted by the movie’s unceasing barrage of evolutionist propaganda, including casual references to man and dinosaurs being separated by 65 million years, and other theories hopelessly unsubstantiated yet dressed as undeniable scientific

You know, there’s a reason that the movie treats evolution as a generally accepted scientific theory. That’s because evolution is a generally accpeted scientific theory. But wait, there’s more!

[…] Christian parents should be warned of the intensity with which the dinosaur attacks are depicted (primarily against the pre-teen grandchildren of the park’s owner).

So, the reviewer is one of those who believes man and dinosaurs lived at the same time, but is offended by the depiction of what might happen if man and dinosaurs actually did live together.

The site also reviews Sin City, finding it Extremely Offensive. The only question I have to ask is this – why would anyone think that Sin City would be anything other than offensive to fundamentalists? So what’s the point of the review?

The reviewers find Carl Sagan’s Contact Very Offensive. Why? Profanity? Violence? While there might have been a little profanity in the movie, the real thing that caused offense here was an idea:

Christian’s are, once again portrayed, many times throughout the movie, as not having answers. A young Ellie was kicked out of Sunday School when the teacher couldn’t tell her where Cain got his wife.

… the idea that fundamentalists might not have all the answers. I guess all the parts about humility have been struck from the christiananswers.net Bible.

Still, the site’s a fun read. Look up your favorite movies and try to guess how offended you should have been while watching them!

One Response to “A fundamentalist goes to the movies”

  1. eric says:

    all the answers. wow. i thought the point was that we’re not supposed to have the answers, just have faith.

    this one’s not on the list, but i had read where “SUperman returns ” was considered offensive because superman has a child out of wedlock and lois is living with a man outside of marriage.

    and to think it’s one of the better christian-like ressurrection allegories i’ve seen since the matrix.
