Public schools are evil?

The internet’s certainly a crazy place. I’m not entirely certain what chain of clicks led me there, but I ran across, a site that is supposed to “help people find fundamental Baptist, KJV web sites, and to help these web sites get more traffic.”

For some as-yet-unexplained reason, I clicked on the site ranked 14th, which was this one:

Now I’ve seen some strange stuff on the internet in my lifetime, but site ranks up there with timecube for sheer weirdness. Assuming it’s not a parody, the site really makes you think. What it makes you think is this: Can anyone actually believe all this stuff and stay sane? I’ll leave that for y’all to judge.

If you manage to survive the visual onslaught of simply looking at the page, there’s a link near the top – Public Schools are Evil! – which promises to be a fun read. Boy, is it ever!

Right from the beginning, you are treated with an image of the devil carving “666” into a kid reading a Harry Potter book. This, presumably, is site author David J. Stewart’s view of the public schools. Why does he hate the public schools so much?

The public school system produces educated heathen fools. Young children who should be taught about God are instead brainwashed with evolution and worldly philosophies. […] You can’t teach a child at home that God created all people, and then expect that child to go learn from some heathen teacher that we all evolved from a lower life-form of life, without there being confusion and spiritual conflict.

He seems to be afraid that kids might learn something.

Later on, he brings out his trump card:

In case you didn’t know, the 10th Plank of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto called for a “public school system.”

I love the logic here. Let me try it. “In case you didn’t know, the tenth plank of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto called for the abolition of factory labor for children.” And, by golly, Karl Marx was rumored to breathe oxygen! So all you oxygen-breathing child-labor-abolishing folks out there are GODLESS COMMIES!

The public school system is EVIL! it is evil in so many ways. The teaching of evolution is evil, it is a deliberate attempt to shake the faith of young people in a Living and Holy God. Teaching young people that they are animals (mammals) is evil. […] Deliberately educating young people without including God is evil.

Yup. He’s definitely afraid the kids might learn something. I wonder if this guy thinks that testing of medicines on animals is pointless because he thinks humans are not animals?

Why, though, does his rant remind me of this very, very serious picture from The Onion?

The page goes on (and on, and on, and eventually ends up somehow as “Doctors against vaccines”), but that’s quite enough for one sitting.

(And I really hope deep down that is satire and I just missed it. I do admit that I’ve heard elsewhere every argument about public schools that this guy makes – from people who WERE being serious)

One Response to “Public schools are evil?”

  1. bigdumbchimp says:

    Um, wow. That ranks way up there on the wierd-shit-o-meter. The antichrist slide show (which I must say is no slide show at all) is some serious anti-catholic bigotry and craziness.