Archive for June 2nd, 2006

Snake Under Glass

Friday, June 2nd, 2006

In lieu of our weekly picture of one or more of our cats, we present … Snake Under Glass.

[Snake Under Glass]
Snake Under Glass – Click to enlarge the image

Why is this posted in the cats category? Here’s the story:

Patty came in from the house one day to find all three cats circled excitedly around our kitchen table. They had trapped the little fellow you see in the above picture under the table. Patty trapped him under a Coke glass, and I released him into the bushes. No snakes or cats were harmed in the making of this picture.

I am still not sure how the little guy goy into the house, but we haven’t seen another one.

(Note: The “little guy” might be a “little gal” … but I don’t know how to tell them apart.)