Archive for April 16th, 2006

Happy Sucrose Day (#2)

Sunday, April 16th, 2006

When reading through the comments on this post on Pharyngula, it struck me that we are on the second of three holidays in the year that are exclusively devoted to the consumption of that most wonderful chemical – sucrose.

The three holidays differ seemngly only by the color scheme of the various sucrose-containing treats that they honor.

Date Holiday Color scheme
Febriary 14 Valentine’s Day Red, pink, white
April 16 (this year) Easter Pastels
October 31 Halloween Orange, purple, black

Ahh, sucrose. C12H22O11. Nothing puts a smile on a kid’s face faster than a basket full of sucrose-laden treats. You know, we could probably learn something from that. Instead of focusing on all the other morbid things people attach to the three days above, focus on the sugar. It’s the reason for the season!

[Cats celebrate Sucrose Day, too!]
Rusty celebrates Sucrose Day (#2) by curling up with a giant stuffed Peep!