Archive for February 19th, 2006

Paying attention

Sunday, February 19th, 2006

[3 cats]

Say hello to Ash, Tom, and Rusty.

Biblically Correct Tours

Sunday, February 19th, 2006

An open thread on Pharyngula leads to this article about an outfit called “Biblically Correct Tours”, which seems to specialize in trying to squeeze scientific data through a very narrow view of the Christian bible.

For a minimum of a hundred bucks, they will take a group through a museum and put their own spin on history, science, art, et cetera. Because …

“Museums are the secular temples of our day,” founder Bill Jack says. “If you watch people walk in, especially in (Denver’s) Museum of Nature and Science, they fold their hands reverently, they speak in hushed tones, they don’t let kids touch.

“The kid says, `What’s this?’ Dad reads the sign and they say, `Ooh, ahh.’ They worship the creature rather than the creator.”

I went in a few museums during my childhood, and I certainly don’t recall worshipping dinosaurs, sharks, stars, or even electricity. I found all of those topics interesting, but I hardly think that qualifies as “worship”.

Another person from Biblically Correct Tours continues…

Carter, who has a degree in biblical studies, admits feeling somewhat intimidated when he first gave tours, knowing scientists were listening. “I used to think, `What are they thinking? Are they going to come out and correct me?'” he says.

This is an interesting admission. He’s basically saying that he knows he’s presenting things that are wrong. What kinds of things?

  • Evolution promotes racism and abortion.
  • Hitler’s racism was motivated by evolution.
  • “Evolution kills people”
  • “If you believe you came from slime there is no reason not to, if you can, get away with anything.”

Sad, isn’t it?

I’d say that a lack of knowledge about evolution can kill – since evolutionary theory has a lot to say about things like infectious diseases.

Biblically Correct Tours also has media for sale, which sheds more light on what sort of ideas kids get exposed to on these tours.

One video is called The Emperor’s New Clothes – Bill Jack exposes the naked truth behind “progressive” creationism (and theistic evolution). The description makes it appear that the video is a diatribe against rational Christians that accept modern science.

It gets better. Have a look at Jack Theist Meets Dr. Secular!

[Scary Doctor Secular!]Plan 9 from Outer Space is a great film.

I’d also really love to see how “Jack Theist destroys Dr. Secular’s arguments with Biblical Truth”, as the description says. If it’s anything like Kent Hovind’s videos, it’ll be a laugh riot.

If only these people weren’t serious