Archive for February 18th, 2006

A visit to Summerville

Saturday, February 18th, 2006

I’ve been to Summerville. It seems like a nice enough place. Just make sure you keep your kids out of any school where Pastor Mike Moore (scroll down to Prayer and creation) has any influence.

I also want to comment on intelligent design versus evolution. The biggest problem here is that the evolutionists are just plain ignorant on the subject. I don’t mean that in an insulting way, but you must deeply study both sides.

It’s certainly possible to deeply study the evolution side, since it’s been a subject of much scientific inquiry for more than a century. The “intelligent design” side, on the other hand, doesn’t provide much of a side to study. Even their Of Pandas and People textbook is creationism with the word “creation” replaced by “intelligent design”. Is it really any wonder that we science folks don’t find a whole lot to “deeply study”? The arguments are old and discredited. They don’t lead us to useful new things to study. For that matter, there’s not really that much to look at. That Amazon link above will lead you to most of the intelligent design books.

I challenge those who are one-sided on the subject to investigate the material.

Read Dr. Carl Baugh, an expert on both sides and a leading expert on creationism and intelligent design. I know you evolutionists are asking: “Dr. Carl who?” I rest my case. Expand your horizons.

Actually, the first thing I thought of when I read that was “Oh no, Doctor Baugh and his man-tracks again. We science types have seen his stuff and we’re not impressed with his work. (Even creationists tend to distance themselves from Baugh these days. I guess they’ve seen too many questionable finds and fakes from him.)

Both should be taught, and let young, inquisitive and intelligent American minds decide for themselves.

We have little enough time as it is to get our students a good science background. Why make the situation even worse by wasting class time with unsubstantiated junk?