Oh how I love the “Letters to the Editor” page…

From the Greenville News:

ID debate demands a look at all evidence

A letter on Jan. 18 questions whether scientific ideas that challenge the writer’s concept of “science” should be introduced into science classes. My answer is yes! Any scientist knows this is the only way science advances because all of its theories are ultimately tentative and must re- main open to challenge. Karl Popper called this “falsifiability.”

Ironically, the writer here has shot down the very idea (intelligent design) that he advocates. How does one falsify the idea that a divine being who is not subject to the laws of nature did … something to create or design life. You can’t. You can always say … “Well, my god still did it – just using your method.” or “Well, however it is, it’s like that because my god designed it that way.”

Like the letter writer, I believe in God and in science. Unlike the letter writer, I believe the only source of truth is God. Man is dismally unable to arrive at truth by himself. This is adequately demonstrated by believing that only “science” belongs in science classes.

Well what else would the writer suggest goes there? Should I barge into my college’s English classes and demand that chemistry be taught? Or barge into a local church demanding the teaching of physics? There is a reason it’s called science class…

But the scientific method itself addresses the writer’s point. It’s self-correcting, so we can get closer and closer to what’ right over time. And it gives results – which is why you can read this post on a computer right now. (This is also why we feel the need to teach science to people. Because it works!)

Skipping a bit…

Yet most evolutionists adamantly deny intelligent design has anything to do with the origin of species. So which is it — does evolution depend on intelligence or upon chance?

False dichotomy. Unless you believe that there can be no order without design (and therefore that your god is really, really busy making sure all the atoms line up in a cubic structure in each and every crystal of table salt you put on your French fries), then new structures can come about partially by random events and partially by the rules of the universe. Evolution might have some random elements, but it isn’t an entirely random process. Selction sure isn’t random! (How about those antibiotic-resistant bacteria?)

Now if you want to say that your god made up the rules, well then why bother trying to stifle the teaching of evolution – and waste time in an already overloaded science class with the notion? Just teach that in your church.

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