Archive for January 27th, 2006

Chop, chop! (Lost in translation, part 2)

Friday, January 27th, 2006

We went to a local Asian restaurant recently. In addition to the traditional American fork, we were also provided with chopsticks.

[Welcome to Chinese Restaurant]

I’m not sure about the glonous history and cultual, but the chopsticks can’t be that hard to use, right?

Here are the directions. Step 1:

[Tuk under tnurnb]

Um, I’m not sure I have a tnurnb, but on to Step 2:


Chcostick? Okay, now I’m thoroughly confused. But I’ll press on to Step 3:

[Now you can pick up anything]

I guess I can pick up anything. With my fork!

(On a later visit to the same restaurant, we found that the supplier of the chopsticks had corrected the hideously mangled English on the chopstick packet. Bravo!)

An impressive storm

Friday, January 27th, 2006

From The Weather Channel’s web site, we get this gem:

[Typhoon Longwang]

So is the next storm going to be Typhoon Well Hung?

[The funniest part about this unfortunate name was listening to the Weather Channel TV hosts trying to talk about it, but I can’t put that up on the blog.]