The computer lab rules hang menacingly over a group of computers in one of the school labs.
I move that this sign be stricken from the record.
The computer lab rules hang menacingly over a group of computers in one of the school labs.
I move that this sign be stricken from the record.
A flowchart telling students how to get into the nursing program offers this helpful advice.
Well, f u, too!
Our school has a faculty/staff lounge in the building where I work. Here’s a sign someone taped to the fridge.
… but if you do have some food or drink in this refrigerator, then feel free to take someone else’s stuff.
“Psycology”, though, is a breeze.
I know this actually means something to gamblers, but it sure looks funny printed on a huge sign on the side of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas!
If I remember correctly, this picture comes from the Venetian in Las Vegas.
These boxes own you!
Whoever made this has a cynical attitude towards college athletes.
I wonder if this belongs to James Mays.
(Picture provided by Kellie F.)
This message was sprayed on the side of a trash compactor at the local landfill.
In case you can’t read the words in the picture, the message says:
Me, I don’t dirty up my house hole with trash!
Light speed’s too slow.
We have to go straight to … hump speed!
Here is Fayetteville’s (NC) solution for families in crisis.
The family that eats spaghetti together stays together.