Archive for November 28th, 2005

Tennessee students know how to stir the pot

Monday, November 28th, 2005

If there’s one thing about these Tennessee teenagers, they know how to provoke a reaction!

Administrators at Oak Ridge High School went into teachers’ classrooms, desks and mailboxes to retrieve all 1,800 copies of the newspaper Tuesday, said teacher Wanda Grooms, who advises the staff, and Brittany Thomas, the student editor.

(I can see a brigade of administrators fanning out through the school raiding classrooms and ransacking desks and bookbags. But that’s just for dramatic effect.)

An administrator commeted that

“We have a responsibility to the public to do the right thing, [… ] We’ve got 14-year-olds that read the newspaper.

(emphasis mine)

Sounds like something pretty terrible went into that student newspaper, eh? Here it is.

The Oak Leaf’s birth control article listed success rates for different methods and said contraceptives were available from doctors and the local health department.
