Archive for the ‘Silly stuff’ Category

WordPress 2.6

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

Hey!  WordPress 2.6 is out.  This release is supposed to be easy to install, but I hear that you could cause a star to explode or something if you do it wrong.  Like that’s going to happen…

Supernova 1987a, from Astrononmy Picture of the Day

Supernova 1987a, from Astronomy Picture of the Day

Oh no … what did I do?

Just say no to crack.

Friday, July 11th, 2008

The big news on the Internet this week seems to be the War on Crack that’s currently going on in Flint, Michigan.

No, not that kind of crack.  This kind of crack:

From the linked article:

Flint residents now have to watch their butts because Police Chief David Dicks is on the lookout.

Dicks, who took over the department last month on an interim basis, announced that his officers would start arresting people wearing saggy pants that expose skivvies, boxer shorts or bare bottoms.

Absurdly high crime rates can make people do strange things, but is harassing teens who haven’t yet learned how to pull up their pants going to solve Flint’s problems?

A fitting tribute

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

California sounds like a fun place.

The Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco wants to rename the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant the George W. Bush Sewage Plant. Supporters are hoping to put the issue on the November ballot.

That sounds about right.  And if the sewage plant idea doesn’t work out, there’s always the local landfill!

Friday the 13th

Friday, June 13th, 2008

Rev. BigDumbChimp points out a little trivia about Friday the 13th:

There is an estimated $800 to $900 million lost on Friday the 13th due to people not flying, not going to work and not doing business as they normally do.

I’m sitting in class right now, watching my freshman chemistry students take their fourth exam.  Most of them are here today, so I suppose Friday the 13th hasn’t taken a huge toll on the test.

It simply hadn’t occurred to me that people might want to skip out on the test because it was Friday the 13th.  Friday itself is reason enough for some students to skip class!

But if any of my students are reading this … I wouldn’t advise skipping the Friday tests – whether or not it’s Friday the 13th.  The final exam will count in the place of the missed test, and taking that risk just to get yourself a long weekend is a lot like inviting this guy over for a hockey game.

All glory to the Hypnotoad!

Wednesday, April 9th, 2008

Silly human! You thought the Hypnotoad was merely a fictional character from Futurama? You were wrong!

All hail the Hypnotoad! All glory to the Hypnotoad!

Millions of words …

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

Hillary Clinton is in a bit of trouble these days. While she said she had to run from an airplane to avoid sniper fire in Bosnia, video showed her calmly stepping off the plane and being greeted by officials and a young girl. The young girl then read Ms. Clinton some poetry.


Here’s what Clinton said when being confronted about her fabrication.

“I say a lot of things — millions of words a day — so if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement,”

Over at Steve Benen’s blog, a commenter makes an observation about Clinton’s statement.

UM, can someone really find the time to say “millions of words a day?”
Am I the only one that finds it sad, funny and ironic that she manages to exaggerate in a statement meant to forgive her for exaggerating?

Sad, funny, and ironic. Check. I’ll focus on the “funny”.

So I got to thinking – how long would it take to say a million words? To give Clinton the benefit of the doubt, I’ll choose a small word that can be said quickly. Let’s say … “fart”. I can manage to say the word “fart” about three times per second if I don’t have to take a breath. If I didn’t have to take any breaths, then …

[92.6 hours]

… I’d get out the millionth word after well over three days. If I didn’t have to stop for a breath. And if I did nothing but say the word “fart” over and over for all 24 hours of each day. (A politician’s life is hard …)

How fast would Clinton have to talk to get out a million “fart”s in a day?***

[11.6 words per second]

11.6 words per second. If Clinton’s run for the presidency doesn’t work out, she can always replace this guy in the next series of Micro Machines commercials!

***This calculation hinges on what the definition of “is” a day is. Clinton may have been planning to speak from Venus, where the day (depending on which kind of day you mean) is either 243 or 117 Earth days long.

The atomic threat!

Wednesday, November 14th, 2007

As a chemist, I’m obliged to love chemistry humor.  From The Onion,

 Vice President Dick Cheney and his staff were briefed on the atomic situation in Iran Tuesday with the aid of colorful interlocking plastic models and a short film.

“The United States will not stand idly by while Iran gains the protons, neutrons, and whatever else they need to threaten the free world,” Cheney said at a press conference that afternoon. “Iran has demonstrated time and time again its ability to combine atoms of hydrogen and oxygen right out in the open, and we cannot allow that to go on any longer.”

Classic.  Reminds me of the dihydrogen monoxide scare

A love-hate relationship with Target …

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007

In our town, we have a choice of shopping at either Wal-Mart or Target.  I usually avoid Wal-Mart (for many reasons) and do a fair amount of shopping at Target.

On the one hand, I’m rather fond of Target’s clearance sales.

On the  other hand, Target sells some annoyingy idiotic products.  The latest of these is – as PZ Myers points out – your own, personal Talking Jesus doll.

I think I’ve finally sorted this out.  Target has a pharmacy department that sells medicine.  They also have homeopathic remedies.  Finally, they have Talking Jesus dolls.  What’s the link?

A suffering customer comes to Target to buy some medicine.  If, for some reason, the medicine is ineffective, he comes back to Target to buy a homeopathic remedy.  When that fails (it will), the customer comes back again to buy a Talking Jesus, hoping that will cure him!

And that’s money in the bank for Target!

Now, I’ve gotta put my serious hat on and get back to teaching class!

Not how I would have phrased it.

Sunday, October 14th, 2007

After the carnage in college football yesterday evening, I thought I would check CBS Sports to see what they had to say about it all

[CBS Sports web site screen capture - 450px JPG]

Cute headline up at the top, considering the #1 and #2 teams both lost. But that’s not what this post is really about. Take a closer look at the headline circled in green.

[Smelley, ‘Cocks withstand Tar Heels’ rally]

That’s, ahh, not how I would have phrased that!

“Where’s Waldo?” – the North Myrtle Beach edition

Saturday, July 7th, 2007

We’ve been on vacation to Myrtle Beach this week – specifically North Myrtle Beach – home of “family atmosphere, fishing piers reaching into the Atlantic, wide sandy beaches, and championship golf courses as well as being centrally located to a very wide range of neighboring attractions and entertainment.”

Here’s a view of North Myrtle Beach – taken at noon on July 4th.

[High noon, July 4, North Myrtle Beach - 450px]

About the only thing you can’t see in this picture is … sand! This looks more like a scene from a Where’s Waldo book than a scene from our family vacation. In the spirit of the Where’s Waldo books, I’ve provided a high-resolution version of the above image. Just click the link – but you might have to wait a while if you’re on dial-up.

[Noon, July 4, North Myrtle Beach – 3449px – 1.2 MB]

See if you can:

  • Find the red, white, and blue volleyball.
  • Find the NC State logo.
  • Find the American flag.
  • Count the number of South Carolina state emblems.
  • Find the black and white striped towel.
  • Find a boy in an orange shirt.
  • Find a wake board without a rider.
  • Find a purple and orange umbrella.
